Monday 2 May 2011

The Fragility of LOVE...

Part of me is not sure whether the decision to embark on a journey of delving into relationships and their intricacies is inspired by my own story (stories) or whether it is the stories of others that have led me to the point where I need write about LOVE and relate beyond my sphere of influence.

Be that as it may, I have always been fascinated by what i often refer to as the elusive nature of love. Sometimes it feels so real. othertimes its so surreal.... and often its a deception...! 

There's an element of pessimism that often creeps in when i talk/write about love, but, i'm an idealist of note, I am rooted in the sentiments of Shakespeares Sonnet 116 which states that "love is not which alters when it alteration finds."
Through this blog I hope to share my opinions on love, relationships and living.... and I hope that I may learn lessons beyond what I am taught in my comfort zone. 

that said... I invite you to join me as I explore the Fragility of love and its inbetweens!